Wash and dry your fabric. Cut into desired size with fabric scissors. You may need to iron your fabric so it doesn’t have wrinkles.
Preheat your oven to warm or 150 degrees F, or the lowest setting possible.
Cover a cookie sheet with tin foil or parchment paper.
Place your fabric on your covered cookie sheet.
Using grated beeswax or beeswax pastilles, sprinkle beeswax on top of your fabric.
Place your cookie sheet into a preheated 150 degree Fahrenheit oven or the lowest setting your oven has.
Allow the beeswax to melt. This takes approximately 8 minutes. The beeswax will begin to soak into the fabric.
Using your paintbrush or silicon spatula, spread the wax evenly over the fabric.
Hang the beeswax-coated fabric over your kitchen clothesline for a few minutes and allow it to cool.
Once cooled, your beeswax fabric is ready to be used right away!
Method 2:
Wash and dry fabric.
Heat iron on cotton setting.
Iron the fabric, if needed.
Iron the fabric, if needed.
Cut out a piece of fabric slightly larger than the size of wrap you desire.
Cut out a piece of fabric slightly larger than the size of wrap you desire.
Place a piece of parchment paper that is bigger than your fabric down on a ironing board. Place the fabric on top.
Sprinkle grated beeswax (or beeswax pellets) over the fabric evenly.
Take another piece of parchment paper, larger than the fabric, and place on top of the fabric and beeswax.
Place warm iron on top of the parchment paper, holding it in place for a few seconds until the beeswax melts into the fabric. Move iron over the fabric until all of the beeswax is melted.
Pull up parchment paper and see if there are any spots that do not have any beeswax.
Sprinkle beeswax on bare spots, cover with the parchment paper, and then iron it again.
Pull the fabric off the parchment paper and hang to dry. It doesn’t take very long for the fabric to dry.
I found that spreading the beeswax over the fabric worked best while the cookie sheet was still in the oven. I worked rapidly, as this cools quite quickly.
Beeswax melts at 147 degrees F and is flammable, so it's highly recommended to heed the low oven temperature!
Thinner fabrics work better.
Cover the cookie sheet with tin foil or parchment paper for easier cleanup.
You will need a place to hang the fabric to cool. I tied a piece of string between two cupboards in the kitchen.