To prevent sticking (these cookies can be finicky), line your baking sheets with parchment paper, then lightly and evenly grease the top of your parchment paper. You may think this is overkill, but once you've dealt with a batch of cookies that has knit its soul together with the parchment paper, you'll wish you'd greased your parchment.
In a saucepan over medium heat, melt your butter and brown sugar together, stirring until smooth. Turn off the heat.
In a separate bowl, combine the oats, flour, salt, and pumpkin pie spice, then add this mixture to your butter and sugar.
In a small dish, whisk the egg and vanilla together, then add them to your saucepan, as well.
Your batter is ready. Spacing the cookies about 2 inches apart, drop about a tablespoonful of batter for each cookie. They will really spread, so be liberal with the spacing. I ended up with only about 6 cookies per baking sheet, due to the size of my cookies and the spreading that they will do. You don't want them to bake together.
Timing is everything. Bake your cookies for approximately 7 minutes, but watch their color closely. If they are lightly golden, there's a good chance they'll be too soft and may be difficult to remove from the parchment paper. A golden caramel color is a great place to be. A dark caramel, leaning towards chocolate caramel, is slightly overdone, YET they still taste wonderful and will have a great crunch. What do you want from your cookie?
When they're through baking, carefully place the cookies - parchment sheet and all! - on a cooling rack. Give them time to completely cool before removing them. The longer they cool, the more they will harden, and the easier they will remove from your parchment paper.
Keep them covered and they'll last you several days. There's no way there will be any left after several days, anyway.
This isn't health food; it's dessert. If you want great results, stick with real butter and real sugar! These cookies are super addictive. Oh, it's not pumpkin season, you say? Drop the pumpkin pie spice and follow the recipe as before. They're still amazing!