DIY “Miracle” Night Cream

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This DIY “miracle” night cream is a natural remedy to help brighten, hydrate, and detoxify the skin and reduce puffiness, spots, and inflammation.

DIY Miracle Night Cream in a jar

Since starting a new job, studying for my RD exam, and preparing to do that whole moving thing, this lady has been super stressed out and tired all of the time. Boy, does my face start to show it! You know, that whole puffy eyes, dark circle thing. Not cool! I don’t even want to talk about what grad school did to my skin… So, I created this DIY “Miracle” night cream to freshen my skin, diminish spots, and help reduce inflammation.

I love what it has done to my skin. It feels so much more hydrated, brighter and inflammation has decreased.

The Natural Ingredients:

The recipe I am sharing with you today includes amazing ingredients.

  • Raw shea butter  and extra virgin coconut oil both are amazing moisturizers, skin protectors, and can help heal the skin.
  • Almond oil (I use this kind) has been shown to reduces puffy eyes and dark circles, and also has anti-aging properties.
  • Lemon essential oil (Like this one) is an astringent, detoxifier, brightener, and can help lighten skin spots.
  • Aloe vera gel (I use this kind) is a skin brightener, neutralizes free radicals, repairs damaged skin, can help aid skin issues like eczema, and slows down the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Bentonite clay helps absorb and remove toxins and impurities.
  • Vitamin E oil can help block free radicals, slow down the skin’s aging process, and help heal scar tissues and skin issues.

DIY “Miracle” Night Cream


*You can double the recipe


In a double boiler, crock pot, or microwave safe dish, place first four ingredients and heat slowly until melted. Pour into a blender and let cool.  In a separate bowl, mix together aloe vera gel, vitamin E oil, lemon essential oil, and honey. Once the beeswax oil mixture has completely cooled and become almost the texture of lip balm, mix it with a spoon a little to break it up and add the aloe mixture into the blender. Blend until well combined. Place back in a non-metal bowl and add 1/2 tsp bentonite clay and stir with a non-metal utensil (I love spatulas like these). DO NOT LET IT COME INTO CONTACT WITH METAL! You get the point :). Place cream in a glass (I use these) or plastic container and store in a cool, dry place.

I’ve been using this cream for a little while now, and I love the way it feels on my skin. I can see a difference in my skin, too! Brighter, hydrated, and the puffy eyes/dark circles have decreased a kit. Plus, you know exactly what ingredients are going in, and you don’t have to worry about harmful chemicals. I feel like I say this every time I do a DIY skin care recipe. It’s true, though!

The reason this is a night cream is because it contains lemon essential oil which can cause photosensitivity in the sun. If you want to make this a day time cream, just eliminate the lemon essential oil. You could make one cream for day and one for night!

Side note: Some people believe that aloe can boost hair growth. I could not find a scientific study proving this and from personal experience of using aloe vera on my face for a while, I have not grown facial hair! 
Aloe can increase absorption of steroid creams, so you may want to avoid aloe when taking them.

More info on aloe can be found here: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

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Post updated march 2019


  1. The last two batches I have made have been runny. I even ordered the aloe you had in receipt but still runny. Any idea what I might be doing wrong.

  2. Hello! I clicked the link for the e oil, and there wasn’t one on the page. Unless, you use the sunflower or wheat germ oil?

  3. This sounds wonderful!
    Any chance you sell this already made in the little containers?
    I don’t have many of these ingredients locally.

    1. Hey Nikki! Unfortunately I do not sell this yet… Right now I don’t have time, but I am hoping to sometime in the future

  4. I am planning to use glass jars to store my lotion after making this recipe; will the metal lid of the jar ruin the lotion?

  5. Mine came out liquidity, does anyone know why? Maybe my measurement of aloe Vera gel is incorrect? Also can I use Olive oil instead of clay??

  6. Thanks a lot for the sharing, I loved it the first time I read about it :)). I have collected all the required ingredients and ready to make some tonight.

    Just one small concern: I remember reading somewhere that bentonite clay should not be left on skin overnight, is this a leave-in cream or we just wash it off after 20-30mins?

    Thanks again for the recipe! Really appreciate it.

    1. I am wondering the same thing: is bentonite clay safe to leave on your skin overnight? Thanks for a great article!

    2. I haven’t seen any articles saying otherwise and I have not had any issues with it. I do wash my face every night before bed and rinse it with water in the morning before reapplying the lotion and putting on makeup.

  7. Hi, I just tried to make today and the result wasn’t the same as pictured. I never used bentonite clay before, is that a powder? The one I bought is a powder. And my aloe Vera said gel but it wasn’t as thick. I would say this is the problem because my lotion is very runny. Do you use aloe Vera from the plant?
    I want make as a gift. It is my first time making homemade lotion.
    Thanks for recipe! Even if is not creamy texture I am still going to use.

    1. I used aloe from the store. Bentonite clay is a powder. You can find it at whole foods in the bulk section, a local co-op and possibly a health food store. The bentonite clay helps thicken it up. Add the amount listed and if you feel that it is not enough add a little more. Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other issues!

    2. Thank you so much for your reply. I did a new batch and I used my magic bullet to mix rather than my large food processor. It combined beautifully! I am giving some for Christmas. Happy holidays to you and your family!

  8. I am a 32 year old with pale skin, freckles, and acne rosacea. Extremely dry skin in both summer and winter when less moisture is around. Anything I should sub or leave out? Would really like to make my own since now I’m watching out for my skin as it matures with age while at the same time not creating more breakouts or irritating the rosacea.

  9. Okay, so I know that you’re probably sick to death of substitution questions, BUT…I’m still new to making these things at home. I have diatomaceous earth…does this sub for the clay, or should I just get the one you suggested? I’ve got a cart open on Mountain Rose Herbs right now, so I can just add it if you think it’s the best…

    1. I’m not positive because I have never tried it before. I would think so… Let me know if you have tried it and it worked!

    2. I would not use food grade Diatomaceous Earth as a substitute. DE is very, VERY drying and does cause skin irritation with prolonged exposure. Please consider other substitutions. 🙂

  10. any idea what peppermint oil would do to your skin? i want to make little gift pampering baskets for christmas and was wondering if i could stick with my peppermint candy cane theme? thank you so much!!! 🙂

    1. I wouldn’t put very much peppermint oil because it can make your skin very cold and tingly feeling. I’m not sure of any skin benefits to peppermint oil.

    2. Spearmint is less irritating to the skin than peppermint with a similar but sweeter scent, and it helps with acne and congested skin. Hope this helps 🙂

  11. I noticed in the picture your cream looks more white, mine was a yellowish color until I added the bentonite clay…now it’s a strange grey/green color. Is it normal for it to be that color?

    1. you may have used a different colored beeswax which is why mine was more white. The bentonite clay can turn it that color. I have seen some bentonite be more green gray and some more white gray. So I would not be worried 🙂

  12. Great recipe, I make something similar with just Aloe gel, vitamin E and Jojoba oil that I use under my make-up. I wanted to add that I use straight extra virgin coconut oil on my face at night, and it has never clogged my pores, and has actually decreased my acne dramatically.

  13. Great post – think i might have to whip some of this up. Followed you from Homestead Barn Hop. Love for you to come by Wildcrafting Wednesday and share.

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