My First Whole30 Challenge

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first whole 30

Hey friends! I want to invite you to join me in completing the Whole30 challenge! I’ve somehow convinced a bunch of my friends, including Katie from the Casual Craftlete, to do this fun challenge starting May 1st! You’re probably thinking what the heck is Whole3o? Whole30 is a 30 day elimination diet that can help with a bunch of different negative health issues, give you boundless energy, beat those sugar cravings, and help you figure out foods you may be sensitive to! It’s all about nourishing your body with good food!


For 30 days, nourish your body with meats, seafood, eggs, lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats.

Avoid all grains (including corn, quinoa, rice, wheat, etc), dairy, legumes (aka beans, peanuts, soy, etc), sugar (natural and fake sweeteners) white potatoes, alcohol (even for cooking), all fake ingredients, and paleoified desserts.

You are not allowed to weight yourself or count calories while on the program!

O yea and You Can’t Cheat!!!!

Need more details? Read the book, It Starts with Food, and check out the program rules here!

Why am I doing Whole30?

For me, it’s not about the weight loss but rather the issues I have.

  1. I’m addicted to sugar!
  2. Tired and sluggish (probably a side affect of sugar)
  3. Have terrible ADD
  4. Eczema: I’m allergic to dairy and can’t keep from eating it. Hello… ice cream!
  5. Hormonal imbalance
  6. Acne (probably related to hormone imbalance)
  7. GERD (acid reflux)

Though out the month of May, I will be sharing helpful tips, tricks, and a few recipes to make your Whole3o a little better! I will also give weekly updates about how my Whole30 is going good and bad (they will be honest)!

Follow my Whole30 Pinterest board!

Whole30 Resources:

Have you tried Whole30? What has your experience been?

This post contains affiliate links. Affiliate links help support my blogging.


  1. Hey Amy!
    Andy and I are starting Whole 30 today! I’m a little nervous but this will be fun!!
    Hope you guys are doing great. Miss ya!

  2. Hey lady, was just up doing my blog checking with my quiet time and thought of your blog…anyway, I would love to be in on this. I did fantastic by myself for about a week lol, but a group would be fun. I also am curious to see if it helps my eczema….anyway woo hoo!!!!

  3. I’m in….I have been wanting to start the program for sometime now and you have just given me the push I needed. Thank you for all the great references and websites……….I’m ready

    1. Wooohooo! Chrissy! So excited for you to join us! I will be sharing tips and recipes all month so stay tuned! Keep me posted on how you’re doing!

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