How To Make Non-Toxic Coffee

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How To Make Non-toxic Coffee

I know what y’all are thinking? Non-toxic coffee… But hear me out. I love coffee as much as the next person, but I bet a lot of us (even my natural hippie friends out there) aren’t thinking about how they are making their morning cup of joe in the morning when they push that sweet button that brews that delicious cup of morning energy. How many times have we been told that we shouldn’t heat plastic? Even the BPA free stuff? Probably too many times to count. Unfortunately, even BPA free plastics have been linked to endocrine disrupting chemicals, sometimes at even greater amounts than BPA containing plastics (source). But yet every morning we are having our water get steamy hot in plastic, brew and filter the coffee in plastic, and then poured into our cups. That doesn’t even count the creamer we are putting in it. You can see last weeks post about making your own healthy coffee creamer! Plastics contain chemicals linked to cancer, impaired immune systems, endocrine disrupters (source). Things that we do not want in our bodies. Plus, think of all the trash created by all those coffee pods and filters left on the earth. You should also check out The Full Moon Cafe site for more information on all the different methods of making a morning coffee are and what equipment you can use. But you know what I do want in my body and on the earth? Coffee. What’s a coffee lover to do?

So how do you make coffee without a coffee maker? Easy friends. It’s called a french press (Like this one or this one). It is easy and you can avoid heating plastic. 

How To Make Non-Toxic Coffee

Start with filtered water. We use a Berkey Water Filter and love it!

Boil it on the stove. We use a tea pot like this.

Place good quality coffee in your french press or the alike. We buy organic coffee (Like this one)

Pour boiling water in the french press and allow to steep for 1-2 minutes.

Push the little filter pressy thing down. You know what I’m talking about right?

Pour your cup of coffee. 

Add in whatcha like. But not that chemical laden coffee creamer. You can find or make a natural alternative.

And enjoy your hot cup of delicious non-toxic coffee. Unless you’re a mom. Than your coffee will probably be room temperature. It just happens that way.


See you don’t have to give up your delicious motivator in the morning. There are better ways of brewing it that are better for your health. Have a great weekend!

Other sources: NPR: Most Platics Leach Hormone Like Chemicals


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  1. Nice article, I agree with you, that the plastic materials can interfere with the immune system of our body, sometimes we have unknowingly consume foods containing plastic without us even knowing.

  2. Hi Amy! I’m definitely with you on this one! There’s nothing better than a cup of fresh coffee made in a French press. And it’s good to know that you’re not picking up toxins while you’re brewing it. Filtered water makes it even better. We use a Berkey at our house, too. 🙂

    1. Hey Marge! I’m totally with you. I love our Berkey! I can taste the difference and can barely stomach regular tap water. I usually always bring my own or go without if I can.

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