Peppermint Bark Recipe

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I’m not a huge candy eater but peppermint bark is one of my favorite Christmas treats! I would say its a family tradition to make this every year, but honestly we never made it. My mom’s best friend would give it to us every year since I could remember because she knew it was my favorite. Well the hubs and I are trying to start our own traditions and he wanted to make it for some people as small Christmas presents. That’s if I don’t eat it all first :). Plus this recipe is super easy! My fav!

2 lbs white chocolate or vanilla candy bark
1 package of 12 candy canes
1 1/2 to 2 tsp peppermint extract

Cover cookie sheet with wax paper or baking mat. Melt chocolate in either a double boiler or the microwave. Be careful not to burn it. While it is melting unwrap candy canes and place them in a large ziplock bag. Then crush them with a rolling pin or hammer. Be careful! Once the chocolate is melted add the candy canes and peppermint extract. Mix thoroughly and spread mixture on a cookie sheet . Place in the fridge for 30 to 45 minutes. Enjoy.

See wasn’t that simple! This would be such a fun family tradition to start. You could make it for neighbors and deliver it to people. I joked to the hubs that I was going to sing Christmas carols to our friends that we delivered the bark to. If you saw on my Facebook page that I have no voice and sound really terrible. He said if I wanted to embarrass myself I could haha.

Hope you enjoy!



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