Planning Your Garden

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Planning Your 2015 Garden

It’s that time of the year again to start planning your garden!!! I love this time of the year because I get way ahead of myself and just go crazy! Last year was our first garden ever and lets just say we may have took on more that we could chew. People warned me… “Only plant a few of your raised beds.” Bah yea! We planted all of the raised beds and a peach tree, raspberry bushes, and I didn’t pull any of the volunteer plants that poked up. Lessoned learned folks… Lessoned learned. And by we, I mean me… I take full responsibility.

This year we have different challenges and priorities. Just in case you haven’t heard, we’re having a baby in June, and since the garden was my baby last year things will have to change. First, my hubby will take over all the really fun stuff like weeding haha. Second, we are going to go for a vertical garden (i.e. sugar snap peas, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc)  or plant things that we can pick when we need them (i.e. carrots) that way I can pick them without my big belly getting in the way. 

2015 Garden To Do:

  • Get my planting calendar together. I use the Farmer’s Almanac to determine best dates to direct sow and start seeds indoors and write them on a pretty calendar (usually from Target).
  • Purchase seeds. I love Bakers Creek Seeds. They are non-GMO. You have to purchase seeds early because they can sell out.
  • Purchase organic seed starting soil.
  • Clean out old seed starting containers from last year… because yea I haven’t done that yet… ahem. 
  • Eventually start the seeds depending on the best planting dates . Some start as early as February in my neck of the woods.
  • Plan where you will be planting your plants and how many starters you need. I like to draw out a picture of our garden and with pencil put where I plan to put each plant. Remember don’t plant the same thing in one spot year after year. This can cause disease and pests.

 Have you started planning for your 2015 garden?

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