30 Day Natural Living Challenge: Setting Goals

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30 Day Natural Challenge Goals

To download, drag the printable to your desktop!

An important aspect of living more naturally is setting goals! I actually started making my own cleaners not with the purpose of being more sustainable, but because I was getting married and thought we were going to be broke. It just happened to be that my inexpensive homemade cleaners also helped the environment!

Fast forward 2 years… I’ve branched out to making more than just homemade cleaners. My problem is I have a million ideas running around in my head all the time and I will think of a new idea then completely forget about it 2 seconds later. Sound familiar??? So writing down my thoughts and ideas has been a great way to organize, plan for, and stick with most of the ideas.

Above, is a free printable I created to help you track and stick with the goals you will set during the 30 day natural living challenge and beyond. Hopefully this will help you with planning for the future!

30 Day Natural Living Challenge LogpThis post was part of the 30 Day Natural Living Challenge! Check back throughout the month for tips and tricks to living a more natural and sustainable life.

Other posts in the series:

5 Simple Steps to Real Food

Starting Seedlings

Sustainable Fashion: Thrifted Outfits

DIY Basic Natural Medicine Cabinet

Raised Bed Gardening- How to Start

Battling the Perimenopause Storm Naturally


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