Super Quick Hairstyle: 5 Minutes or Less

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Super Quick Hairstyle in 5 Minutes or Less

Mornings are kind of busy for me, as they are for pretty much everyone! Any way that I can make my life a little more simple in the morning I will. Hair just happens to be one of those things. I like to look put together, but I don’t have time (nor do I want) to straighten or curl my hair. So I started braiding it before I went to bed and then will quickly make it look adorable before running out the door. Not only will you save time by already having your hair 3/4 of the way done, but you also don’t have to worry about showering in the morning… Yea I just saved you another 10 minutes. Plus, you don’t have to blow dry it so you’re saving electricity. You’re welcome :).

Super Quick Hairstyle in 5 Minutes or Less

The night before, shower and allow your hair to air dry 80-90% of the way. At this point you can spray your hair with a little hairspray or spray gel, preferably a natural one like the links provided. Then brush through.

braided hairstyle before

French braid your hair and secure with a hair tie. You can do a normal french braid, I just don’t know how to do one on my own hair. 

braided hair.jpg

Now go out to bed…

braided hairstyle.jpg

In the morning take out your braid and fluff with your hands. Depending if you have bangs or not will determine if your done.

5 minutes hairstyle.jpg

 You can stop here and just spray your hair with some more spray or you can tease your bangs and pin back a puff.

pinning bangs.jpg

5 minute braided hairstyle.jpg

This is just one hairstyle I use by braiding my hair the night before. Over the next few weeks I will give you some more ideas!

Super Quick Less than 5 minute hairstyle


What is your favorite quick and easy hairstyle?

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  1. wow really good bit or work, i was running out of ideas for my hairstyle at this summer , this is really some good ideas, will try it myself at home 🙂

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