Eczema Relief Butter

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eczema Relief butter

I have had eczema on and off for my whole life. When I was little my eczema was related to a dairy allergy and covered my legs and arms. Eventually, I “grew” out of the allergy and could eat as much dairy as I wanted without breaking out. That was until I turned 21. All of a sudden I started getting a rash on my elbow pits (that’s a medical term right?) and couldn’t figure out what it was. My mom is a smart cookie and said “I bet your dairy allergy came back!” Noooooooo! I’m a self confessed dairy addict, well really I’m an ice cream addict, but still it sucked.

I went to an allergist had a skin prick test and dairy didn’t show up as an allergen. I was so excited I scarfed down tons of cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and when I broke out even worse and the rash creeped up on my face I knew it was dairy! I started researching and found out that the skin prick test isn’t always a good determinant of food allergies… Great! and I could go get a blood test, but I was annoyed, lazy, and a poor grad student.  I tried eliminating dairy from my diet, which made my rash go away, but was nearly impossible when your married to a cheese addict. Seriously, he would put cheese on everything if I would let him.

I tried making some creams in the past, nothing seemed to work, and I just lived with itchy red hands all the time. That was until I made this Eczema Relief Butter!  This butter is super moisturizing and I can feel relief within a minute or two of rubbing it on my skin! The ingredients are simple and effective.

Shea butter is super moisturizing.

Coconut oil is moisturizing and an antibacterial

Lavender essential oil is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, calming, and promotes healing.

Cedar wood essential oil helps reduce inflammation, stimulates circulation, and is an antiseptic.

Eczema Relief Butter

Eczema butter


Directions: In a bowl or stand mixer, mix together coconut oil and shea butter. Mix in essential oils and vitamin E. Place in a container.

To use: At night, slather on a small about of butter before bed. I also put it on right when I feel my skin flaring up (like right after I eat cheese or ice cream).

Always consult with a medical professional or herbalist for essential oil use. Some essential oils are not safe for children or during pregnancy.

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  1. Thank you for all the wondrous tips! Our daughter gets the worst cases of eczema in the winter. The cold weather seems to just react instantly into a flare-up. I’m looking forward to having this on hand this season. I have also been reading a lot of blogs that explain this medical condition in detail like & hope you and your readers find these articles useful for dealing with their condition.

  2. Hallo,

    Can i use refine shea butter for this? Unreffined shea butter has strong smell that i don’t like 🙁

    Thank you

    1. I think that should work just fine. I don’t think it will make a huge difference although I haven’t tried it myself.

  3. you are a LIFE SAVER!! I am currently in one of the worst flare ups I’ve ever had in my life. I made this a few days ago and i also added jojoba oil and emu oil as well as lavender, tea tree and orange essential oils and it is working. I was so relieved to find this because I have run out of options and my prescription creams have stopped working as well. I love this whipped body butter, thank you so much.

    1. That is so great to hear Emily. I know how it feels to have that constant itch, so annoying. I hope it continues to work for you and your eczema gets better!

  4. Hi I have just made this cream and was a little scared to put it on my arm which I always have eczema on, I thought it might sting but it didnt and constant itch has gone already!! Thanks so much for sharing your recipe 🙂

  5. I have a slight tendency to eczema, and rubbing the Made From Earth Lavender Lotion on the affected areas calms the inflammation within minutes. The Lavender does work ! Wonderful scent and the lotion itself, although extremely light and non-sticky, is very nourishing.

  6. Hi. My daughter is allergic to tree nuts so I am wondering if she could use this cream for her eczema. We were told once by a non professional that Shea butter is made from tree nuts, so we have been cautious. Have you any information about this? Thank you!

  7. My daughter gets eczema and I would love to find a natural treatment. Do you know if Shea butter can be used by people with tree nut allergies. Someone had mentioned that once and so now I am wondering. Thank you!

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