DIY Gardening Calendar & Gardening Resources for Beginners

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This will be our first real garden, and I am beyond excited! I’ve been doing lots of research on how to start seeds, how to care for a garden, what plants to use, etc. We were super lucky to purchase a house that came with a great established garden with raised beds and 3 apple trees, a fig tree, blueberry bushes, and lots of strawberries already planted. Now I just have to plant and keep alive the other fruits and vegetables we chose.


To start a garden it’s important to decide what plants you want to plant and the area you have available. What are your favorite fruits and vegetables? Then see if those plants grow well in your area. The Farmer’s Almanac has been my go to resource for gardening. Of course you want to purchase your seeds you plan to plant. I purchase non-GMO seeds from Baker’s Creek.

DIY Gardening Calendar

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To create my calendar I started by looking up the seed starting dates for my region. You can find information for your region here. I found the seeds we purchased and wrote those dates dawn. Then, on the calendar, I wrote what days to start each seed based on those dates, my own schedule, and whether to start them indoors and outdoors.

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Wa la, done! This calendar helps me stay organized and know what seeds need to be planted next! Plus, it’s adorable! What are you planning to plant this year in your garden?

Gardening Resources

2014 Spring Planting Dates

14 Tips to Start Seeds: Organic Gardening

Vegetable Garden for Beginners

Fruit Gardening



  1. Love this! Hubby and I are excited to plant our garden again this year and I’m planting a cutting garden for the first time too. Did you use a chalk marker on that chalkboard?

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