30 Ways To Save Money On Groceries

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30 Ways To Save Money On Groceries

I have to admit we have a grocery spending problem! While looking at the budget and realizing we spent way way over on food, I took a stance and decided no more. I’m setting a strict budget and trying to go under it. Which I will start sharing in our monthly progress reports.

  1.  Menu Plan:
    • This gives you a plan to know what to cook so you don’t end up just ordering out. 
    • You can plan out every meal or just dinner. Whatever works for you. We do just dinner, eat eggs everyday for breakfast, and eat leftovers and simple meals for lunch.
  2. Use your sales ads from the week to find deals and make the meal plan.
  3. Make a list- based on your meal plan.
  4. Meatless meals: you’ve probably heard of meatless Monday. 
  5. Find inexpensive meals: Oatmeal for breakfast is a great example. 
  6. Clip coupons. Ok I actually don’t “clip” per say, but our Kroger sends us coupons all the time with items we actually use. Even for fruits and vegetables.
  7. Shop around for the best deals: I tend to remember what most prices are for the items we buy so this is easy for me, but you can also keep a list. 
  8. Shop at discount stores. I shop at Aldi at least 1-2 times per month to stock up on gluten free pasta, and their select organic items (i.e. pasta sauce, salsa, etc.) that are way cheaper than anywhere else. But I don’t want to be going to 3 stores every week so I  stock up on my favorite items.
  9. When you find a good deal stock up. Like I do at Aldi once a month.
  10. Check unit price. This is a great way to save money and get past the tricks stores try to play. How many cents per oz does it cost. Now compare the unit price from one item to another you are comparing. Choose the cheaper (as long as it is healthy too)
  11. Don’t buy random extra things you don’t really need. Like those cookies. Just put them down.
  12. Always watch the cashier. Make sure the prices are what they are suppose to be and the appropriate discounts are coming off.
  13. Don’t buy juice or soda. They are both high and sugar and not good for you. Sure juice is slightly better than soda but it isn’t a necessity. Help you health and your wallet.
  14. Skip the pre-cut items. Cut them yo self.
  15. Stretch your meat. Use beans in place or just use less. I will cook a whole pound of ground beef. Add half to meat sauce and then the other half for chili, even though the chili recipe called for a whole pound. You couldn’t tell a different.
  16. On the last week of the month look through your pantry and make your menu plan using what you have left in the pantry. Clear that baby out.
  17. Buy right from the farmer. Luckily we live in southern Illinois where there are lots of farmers. We can get organic chicken at Kroger for about $7 a lb. Or I can go directly to the farmer and get it for $3.25 a lb for cut up chicken.
  18. Grocery Store Apps: 
    • I love the Kroger app. It shows me what items I normally buy are on sale that week. Also, I can look through their digital coupons and add them right to my card. 
    • Cartwheel: also a great app if you shop at Target.
  19. Other Apps: Ibotta: This app is great, you get paid for buying certain products and certain stores. They have a lot of things we don’t use but also great deals on things we do use. If you sign up use my referral code: iohomtv
  20. Putting it together folks for extra savings…
    • The other day Ibotta had $3 for Seventh Generation diapers (yes I know this post is about food but you get the idea right?). I also had a $10 off coupon from Target if you spent $50 in the diaper section, plus the diapers were already on sale for $2 off per box. We use cloth diapers and wipes most of the time, but for overnights, at church, and when we are out of town we use disposable. So I bought a big box for now, one later, and some wipes. Saving $17 on something we would normally buy! Boom.
  21. Grow your own food. 
  22. Buy in season. For example we pretty much only purchase oranges in the winter because thats when they are in season, taste the best, and are the cheapest.
  23. Preserve the food you have grown.
  24. Hunt- this really isn’t our thing, but hey if it’s your. Go for it.
  25. Cook in bulk and freeze leftovers.
  26. Make your own yogurt, chicken stock, etc.
  27. Utilize your crock pot. Best invention. I have motivation to cook pretty much in the beginning of the day and by night I’m over it. So the crockpot steps in and saves the day.
  28. Meal prep 1x a week. Make a big batch of soup or chili, cook enough chicken for a few meals. That way you always have leftovers to grab for a last second lunch and you don’t have to eat out.
  29. Limit your eating out.
  30. Limit snacking. Snack food is expensive. I was reading a blog not long ago about how she got rid of snacking at her house and made sure to offer filling meals that would hold over until the next meal. Many other cultures like in France may offer on snack between lunch and dinner. 

There you go. 30 ways to save money on groceries. Want to join me in saving? Check back monthly when we talk about what meals I made and how much they were.

One Comment

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