Getting Started with Natural Makeup

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Getting Started with Homemade Natural Makeup

Last week I shared about Getting Started with Natural Skincare. Makeup and skincare go hand in hand. Well at least they do for me. I rarely leave the house without some makeup on. Sad, but true! I even put a little on to go to zumba! So it’s a must for me to find natural alternatives! Just like skincare, I’m not perfect 100% of the time. I get lazy and slack off. Well friends I’m using this challenge to help myself get back into the swing of things too.

Just like conventional skincare, conventional makeup contains carcinogens, neurotoxins, DNA damaging chemicals, and have been link have been linked to: increased allergies, cancer, birth defects, developmental and reproductive problems, and more. Plus, conventional makeup can cause our skin to age faster. So I’m saying farewell to the store bought stuff and hello to more natural options.

Below, is a list of of links to Homemade Natural Makeup products I use:

I have loved switching over to natural makeup and getting some of my friends to switch over too! Libby switched over to the natural foundation when she had her baby boy. She didn’t like the thought of him kissing on her face and using the normal store bought foundation with unknown chemicals. She’s loved it ever since!

Here are more great recipes:

Homemade Lipstick

Homemade Eyeshadow

How about some super easy DIY Hairspray to finish off the look?

DIY Herbal Hairspray

Have you made the switch to homemade makeup? I would love to hear about it!

This was part of the 30 Day Natural Challenge:

Check out all the other great posts from the challenge:

5 Simple Steps to Real Food

Starting Seedlings

Sustainable Fashion: Thrifted Outfits

DIY Basic Natural Medicine Cabinet

Raised Bed Gardening- How to Start

Battling the Perimenopause Storm Naturally

Saving on Real Food: 3 Simple Secrets

5 Herbs  to Use Around the House and Homestead

I party here…


  1. I loved your tips, the blog is fantastic!
    After all it is always good to learn new techniques and do a different makeup!
    You have gained a new reader!
    Kisses from Brazillll

  2. My wife not interested natural makeup. She does not like natural. I suggest this article in my wife, Now she is very interested to using using natural . Thanks AMY 🙂

  3. I have never made my own makeup but I’m really loving the idea of using natural ingredients and not having to pay so much for makeup.

    Thanks for the post!

  4. I’m so thankful for this website! I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and haven’t been able to wear makeup for 10 years. Besides Church, it’s the one thing I really miss most. I’m on a snowbird vacation right now but as soon as I get home, this is going to be a priority. Thank you again!

  5. This is such a great list. I’m in love with making my own products, I feel better about what I use and much healthier as a result. Thanks for this great resource.

  6. Great list! I recently switched to using Alima Pure which is a great mineral makeup with minimal ingredients that I buy online and I LOVE it but I’ll definitely try out making my own! Thanks for sharing! 🙂 -Dawn

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